Aleksandr Kaidalov. Birth in 1972. First jump in 1992 . Has about 1200 jumps, tandem-master experience. North Pole 1994,1995,1996 years expeditions member.Expedition organizer is one russian firm. Cost per member is about 3000\\$ total. This will cover all expences connected with this tour from Russia. Actually you can find a sponsor, sure..."This is a worth of it to go there. Everybody has jumping with his State flag and a sponsor's logo.(:You have to be well equipped. Temperature on the ground is about 30 C. , in the air - 50-60 C. One black member has been frost-bitten.):All three times I has jumping with juornalists-women !!! - with no problem.(:In 1997 has successful BASE jump from Riga TV-station.(220m./h point) with no special canopy!In 1999 has jumping from Gorge Bridge(300m./h) in West Virginia, US. This is one-day festival at one of biggest bridge in the world. There is jumping more then 300 BASE jumpers every year in this day ! Jumps organizer is Bridge Day Association. Cost about 50\\$ (you have to be registered 4 month before) + accomodation. Nice Nature, places, people and experience. At the end, you can get your jump photo and video.At the moment manage his own firm: 'ParAleks'in Riga connected with air-sports,service & air-advertising.Bridge Day West Virginia | Bridge Day 2004 | North Pole Adventures | Expeditions to the North pole |